22 Mayıs 2022 Pazar

Storybird: Digital Book

      Storybird is a web site where you can easily read and write picture book, comics and poetry with a variety of pictures.

     It helps students to improve their creativity by combining different pictures and creating a story. They can also enjoy reading a bunch of existing stories.

     It has also some disadvantages. First, you can not add pictures to Storybird, that's why there may be some limitation for your stories. Secondly, you need to subscribe to Storybird, and it is free only for 7 days.

     You can easily create an account with your email. Then you can click write and this page will appear:

     You can select a picture for your cover and start writing right away!

     You can read my picture book through this link: Adventures of Big Mouth

     If you want to know more about Storybird you can watch this video:

See you 👋👋👋

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