19 Mart 2022 Cumartesi

My Experince on MindMeister~ Mind Map About Learning Theories!

    Today I will talk about my experience on MindMeister. MindMeister is an online mind mapping sofware. You can easily create an account with your e-mail and start mind mapping right away. It is easy to figure out how it works and it has many beautiful layouts that you can make aesthetically pleasing mind maps. 

   However, let me remind you that it's not an entirely free software. For example, you can not export your mind map in the format of pdf-which was a drawback for me. Therefore, I can only share the link of my mind map...

Click here to see my mind map  😊

Our topic was "Learning Theories" and there were a lot of them. So, mind mapping made it easy for me to fully understand the general informations about the theories. And it'll be a benficial resource for my further studies.

Here is a part of my mind map!

If you want to know more about it you can visit the link:

2 Mart 2022 Çarşamba

Padlet! Beginning to Journey of Material Designing!


Hello, there! Welcome to my blog dedicated to material designing. I'm extremely excited since I've never used blog in my 22 years of life. So excuse me for being a clumsy fellow 😅.

     Today, I will share my experince on Padlet with you. To give a brief  information, Padlet was founded in 2012 and is a webpage which you can use for educational purposes. Let's jump into the process! We were given 7 questions regarding to "learning" and a video for the source of the information. We were given 30+5 minutes to answer those questions. Questions were lined up in columns from left to right, and we could easily answer them through the plus signs underneath them. 

     After we've finished the exercise, our teacher read aloud the answers for regarding questions and we saw different types of answers for the very same questions; sometimes different ideas were emerged, sometimes different words and different syntactic structures were used.

    It was fun and interesting to see that. With this way, we shared our ideas, and built something like an information baloon or let's say a learning environment.

     To sum up, I think Padlet is a wonderful webpage where we can simultaneously share our knowledge with each other, and contribute our learning process substantially.

Here is the link to our Padlet~

Designing Interactive Online Materials Using APITWIST

In our recent project for the Material Design course, my friend Gülsüm and I embarked on an exciting journey to create interactive online ma...