26 Mayıs 2022 Perşembe

Kahoot: Fun Quizes

      Kahoot is a game-based learning platform. You can use the web-site or download the application to your phone or tablet.

     It can be used to review students' knowledge about a topic through multiple-choice questions. Since there is a time limit to answer a question and students are lined up according to their points, it feels like a competition or a game. That's why it is really fun!

     You can easily create an account with your email and create a Kahoot quiz right away.

     You can add question and the options, then set a time for students to answer the question. It also allows you to change the theme.

     After finishing all the questions, you can share the Kahoot code with your students. Then start the game!

     If you want to know more about Kahoot you can watch the following video:

     That's all! See you 👋👋👋

Canva: Beautiful Design

      Canva is a wonderful website where you can prepare presentation, CV, invitation card, poster, and even video!

      You can easily create an account with your email and start designing. There are plenty of marvelous templates which you can pick one and edit according to your need.

     It allows you to search for pictures on Canva or you can add pictures from your device. That's why it is really practical.

     I've used Canva before with the purpose of preparing a presentation and a CV. The process was really easy and the outcome was beautiful.

     Here is the link for my presentation which I prepared for the first week of the Virtual Exchange Project:

     Let Me Introduce Myself

     If you want to know more about Canva, you can watch the following video:

See you 👋👋👋

My Virtual Exchange Experience!

    We as Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa ELT students had a 4-week collaboration project with the students of Complutense University of Madrid. We (Gülsüm and I) met Spanish friends Andrea, Maria, Kathrine and Filiove through Zoom.

     It was the first time for me to speak with foreigners, so I was really excited. It was a great opportunity for us to speak English and learn from other cultures like how is their educational system and what kind of people they are.

     They were really nice girls, they listened us, they participated in discussions and gave suggestions. I really liked them.

     I was the host for the Zoom sessions, and I've experinced what it is like to be a teacher. Since I've started all the meetings and I was always the one who said: "Well... then should we finish it?" when I read the mood of our friends.

     Throughout the sessions there were some awkward moments such as sudden silences at the start and at the end of sessions. In those times we tried to sum up everything. Therefore, it was a project that make me realize  my weak points and strong points.

     Here is the link to our final product: Intercultural Picture Book: GÖKALP

That's all. See you 👋👋👋

Second Life: 3D Experience

      Second Life is an application which allows you to create an avatar and engage in social events in the 3 dimensional virtual world. 

     You can easily create an account by typing your username, password, email, date of birth, security question and answer, and finally gender. Then you will recieve an activation mail. Now you can download Second Life and initiate your experience!

     First you should select an avatar and make some adjustments according to your preference. You can change even the tiny detail of the avatar.

Here is my avatar:

     She looks like she just had a plastic surgery but other than that it is okay :)

     It looks like a game but you can use it for a variety of purposes. You can write a scenario and you can record it while you are playing. With this way, you can create an animation.

     Other than that, there is an Erasmus Island which Istanbul University have created. Erasmus students can get information and even Turkish lessons from there.

     In short, Second Life allows you to experience a virtual world similar to real one.

If you want to know more about Second Life you can watch the video below:

See you 👋👋👋

23 Mayıs 2022 Pazartesi

Seesaw: Interactive Classroom

      Seesaw is a web platform where you can create a classroom. Student's can use Seesaw's creative tools to enhance their learning process.
     You can see your students' progress on activities in real time through progress table. You can create or find existing acitivities through activity library.
     It works synchronously with Google Classroom, therefore you can transfer your students from Google Classroom.
     You can add your students and their family members or they can log in through their emails. They can also use the QR or Text Student Code.

      Here is the code for my Seesaw class: GXCO RAPZ

      If you want to know more about Seesaw you can watch the video below:

     See you 👋👋👋

VOKI:Speak Through Your Avatar!

      There is another application similar to Flipgrid called VOKI. It is a web site where you can create an avatar for yourself and speak through it.
      There are plenty of options, so you can be anyone you want, even Barack Obama! You can customize your avatar through changing its clothes, hair style and colour, occupation, background etc. Here is my avatar:

     These avatars make the learning process more fun! It also encourages students to make speaking practice, since they are speaking through their avatars.

    If you want to know more about VOKI, you can watch the following video:

     See you 👋👋👋

22 Mayıs 2022 Pazar

Flipgrid:Video Discussions

     Flipgrid is a web site where you can have video discussions. You can assign your students to introduce themselves via Flipgrid for your first class or you can find a topic for them to discuss. It increases the engagement and comprehension of the students.

    You can create an account through your email. And you can join a discussion through a join code.

    Videos are made through the camera of the web site and then uploaded to the dicsussion page.

    It is a link to our Flipgrid discussion: https://flipgrid.com/1e7e0c80

     If you want to know more about Flipgird you can watch the following videos:

    See you 👋👋👋

Storybird: Digital Book

      Storybird is a web site where you can easily read and write picture book, comics and poetry with a variety of pictures.

     It helps students to improve their creativity by combining different pictures and creating a story. They can also enjoy reading a bunch of existing stories.

     It has also some disadvantages. First, you can not add pictures to Storybird, that's why there may be some limitation for your stories. Secondly, you need to subscribe to Storybird, and it is free only for 7 days.

     You can easily create an account with your email. Then you can click write and this page will appear:

     You can select a picture for your cover and start writing right away!

     You can read my picture book through this link: Adventures of Big Mouth

     If you want to know more about Storybird you can watch this video:

See you 👋👋👋

21 Mayıs 2022 Cumartesi

Trello: List Making Application

      Trello is a website where you can make lists, add documents and share. You can create your tasks in different columns. 

     Trello can bu used for a variety of areas including real estate management, accounting, lesson planning, web design etc. 

     Today, I will focus on educational advantages. You can create your own board or you can use existing templates such as:

     You can just store your documents and create personal plans or you can share it with your students and give assignments to them.

     You can easily sign up with your mail. Here is a tutorial for Trello:

See you 👋👋👋

Google Jamboard: Interactive Whiteboard

     Jamboard is a digital whiteboard which enables people to share their knowledge regardless of space and time. People up to 50 can use a jam simultaneously which is impossible for a normal classroom whiteboard.

     You can easily join Jamboard through your google account and you can easily create a jam through clicking the plus sign in the bottom right corner of the page.

     Then you will see a blank white board:

    Now you can start drawing shapes, adding notes or pictures and prepare a workplace for your students beforehand. You can assign group work roles such as leader, writer, presenter and others. 

    If you don't have enough time you can use Slides Mania for templates. Through Jamboard you can do a variety of activities to enhance the teaching and learning process.

    If you want to know more about Jamboard you can watch the video below:

     See you 👋👋👋

14 Mayıs 2022 Cumartesi

Edpuzzle: Create Interactive Videos!

     Edpuzzle is a web-based application where you can edit videos to make your students actively engage in the lesson contents.

     You can easily create a teacher account and search for videos suitable for your lessons. It is possible to cut the video and just focus on the important parts. You can also add your voice over the video. 

     You can add open ended or close ended questions or additional notes in the video to make a more enhanced learning process.

     There is also an option which prevents students from skipping the video.

     This is the link of the video that I've made through Edpuzzle:


      For the further information you can visit the following link: 

     Getting Started with Edpuzzle

Pear Deck for Google Slides!

      Hello~ this week we tried Pear Deck which is a web-based application where you can create interactive slides to enhance the quality of the learning process. 

     First, you should create a student or teacher account using your school's postal code and your email. Then you should activate your account with the link sent to your email. 

     After that you should add Pear Deck to your Google Slides, then you can start creating your presentations. 

     You can ask your students open-ended questions or close-ended questions. You can also expect from your students to give an answer through drawing or dragging the dot.

     It is also possible to start with Google Slides, continue with Pear Deck and finish your presentation with Google Slides

     To make the ordinary prestentations unique and to engage students with lesson through their active participation. It also enables a secure and comfortable environment where students can share their ideas and knowledge without fear of making mistakes and to be mocked. Because all of the answers are appearing anonymous.

     If you want to know more about Pear Deck you can visit the following link:


See ya 👋👋👋

7 Mayıs 2022 Cumartesi

Duolingo~ An Entertaining Way To Learn a Language!

     Duolingo is an application where you can learn a variety of languages in an entertaining way. This languages include English, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc. It makes you practice writing, reading, listening, speaking, and translating between your mother tongue and that particular language. 
     It has 10 different leagues which are in order from first to last Bronze, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, Pearl, Obsidian and Diamond League. With this way it encourages you to study harder through competing with other learners.
    The lessons are being divided into topics or according to grammar makes it easier to comprehend. It also induces you to study everyday through unique and encouraging sentences like "Hey, it's Lily. Duo says you're ignoring him, so I'm filling in. Keep up your 5 day streak. Or don't. Whatever".

     I've been using Duolingo for a few years and found it beneficial to learn a new language. Currently I'm learning Spanish, Chinese and Korean. And it is quite fun!

  Right now I'm on Emerald League and I was number 1 last night :')

You can access the website through this link:


You can also dowload the application from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Have fun! See you 👋👋👋

My Certificate!


     Through infinite sources on the Internet we can always learn new things. There are plenty of websites where you can get free courses on any topic you are interested in. This websites include edX, Udemy, IBB Enstitü, Bilge İş, Coursera, etc. These courses supports life-long learning, therefore you can benefit from them regardless of age, time or space. 

    Also, it has a range of different type of areas such as language learning, fine arts, computer related applications, pediatric, sociological, etc.

     I took a course from IBB Enstitü called "How to Write a Formal Email". Both during my academic life and after my graduation I will need this ability to contact with my teachers or my employers, that's why I thought that I should take this course.

     Here is my certificate:

See you 👋👋👋

6 Mayıs 2022 Cuma

QR Code for My Blog~


     I've generated a QR code for my blog. With this way, you can easily share and access my blog. You can also create your own QR code using https://tr.qr-code-generator.com/.

Here is my QR code:

See you 👋👋👋

Social Networking~ Blogs of My Friends!

     As technology has developed in recent years social networking has become a hot topic. Social networking refers to using internet platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Blogs to stay in connect with friends, family members and colleagues. It enables you to share your knowledge and learn from others. Since it's a trend I thought that I should use it on my blog.

    Therefore, if you are enjoying my blog, here are some blogs of my friends who are also sharing their experinces and knowledge on material designing. I'm sure these blogs will be useful for you!

https://83430643.blogspot.com/  (Gülsüme Alpar)

https://selinsmaterialdesign.blogspot.com (Selin Akay)

https://matesignwithece.blogspot.com/ (Ece Çalışkan)

https://reachandteachmaterials.blogspot.com/ (Duygu Gümüş)

https://atwlanguagewithdilan.blogspot.com/ (Dilan Sonakalan)

Have a nice weekend! See you 👋👋👋

Designing Interactive Online Materials Using APITWIST

In our recent project for the Material Design course, my friend Gülsüm and I embarked on an exciting journey to create interactive online ma...